Poetry evening 2 on Bistami/poems by Lwiis Saliba, Read on Zoom, Wednesday 6/4/2022

Poetry evening 2 on Bistami/poems by Lwiis Saliba, Read on Zoom, Wednesday 6/4/2022

Do we dive into the Ocean

of Abu Yazid?

Today we dive into a stormy sea.

Its beginning is the ultimate… its end indefinite!

Do we have enough dream…enough will?

For the Ocean of Abu Yazid…to cross?!

The waves are rising… the marina is quivering!


Didn’t he once say: the sea I have crossed.

On its shores, the prophets stopped

While the water is at best ankle deep?!

To enter the world of Abu Yazid: it shines!

It’s travelling far away with him, that’s for sure

Because Bistami, his mother, called him Tayfur


It is the familiar name of a bird in Arabic.

It is the common name of a Falcon in Persian.

Who by this name engraved in every syllable

Cleared the way for his only child

And kindled in him a most ardent fire.


Tayfur is a bird, his body the only one

And in omnipotence he is thus absent

Wandered the seas, oceans of the Kingdom.

His goal then… will be to achieve

Like a bird transcends all duality.


Our burdens, finally today we let go…

In the immense beauty today we soar…

Limits and logic make reason fall…

The heart and chest today: let’s free…

The senses inside today: let us ignite

And from its heavy sleep let us awaken intuition.

If our own mind, always weary

Never Abu Yazid then… will we understand.

And logic, in us, we will use

To go land, without flight, but passion!


Only the heart is the key

In Abu’s world.

True ‘winged’ feeling?

In Abu’s Ascension.

Ascension to Fly?

Intuition can go,

Alone… where Abu Yazid, arrived!

Byblos August, 1998.

Here is finally a poem that describes my pilgrimage and especially this crucial moment of this pilgrimage to the shrine of Abu Yazid al-Bistami:

Abu Yazid… O my beloved Master

At last, in your shrine, I met you.

Our meeting was a journey through time

Between now and this moment.

A reminiscence with closed eyes,

Took me back to the old days

Or perhaps even to our past days.


Abu Yazid these walls and their evocations

Still keep your vibrations

This mihrab still speaks, to each visitor

Of your ancient presence

Between subtle and dense.

Your eternal presence, so dear to my heart!


Abu Yazid:

These minutes of meditation

In your cell, deep inside,

Were for me a blessed moment

Between eternity… and even infinity

And for the space, even of a moment

Made me fly out of time

In an ascent to you

A beginning of a journey that brought me back to the SELF

As if I were then your faithful servant

Who was amazed to experience this fervour.

How could he keep it a secret?

It was at your command that he went

Into the desert to tell the camels the key

Of what he learned from your own secrets.


Abu Yazid, I have come to ask you

To accompany me?

This is an enterprise I would like to keep

For the rest of my days, looking for you

As if I were searching for myself!

In your sanctuary when I met you

A little of myself I found again!


Abu Yazid:

A pilgrimage to you was my itinerary

The first day I went to the shrine

The second day, I saw the Patron of the shrine

But I did not contemplate the shrine…

So, will there come a day for good

When I will see neither the shrine nor its Patron?

                         Bistam/Iran on 25 May 2009.

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Serata di poesia su Bistami/poesie di Lwiis Saliba, Leggere su Zoom, mercoledì 6/4/2022

Serata di poesia su Bistami/poesie di Lwiis Saliba, Leggere su Zoom, mercoledì 6/4/2022 Ci immergiamo …

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